As part of our website, we use cookies to provide you with services at the highest level, including the method adjusted to the individual needs. Using the site without changing the settings for cookies means that they will be included in your final device. You can change the settings for cookies any time. OKCookies policy
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Zone IT Sp. z o.o. pays particular attention to respect for privacy of the visitors to the websites, which it is the owner and publisher, i.e.,,


Zone IT Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Dembowskiego 59/5, 51-670 Wrocław, entered in the National Court Register under the number 0000401815 by the District Court for Wrocław-Fabryczny, 6th Commercial Department KRS, NIP: 898-219-80-01, REGON: 021758025, based on article 24 (1) of the act of 29 August, 1997 on protection of the personal data (the consolidated text, the Journal  of Laws of 2002, no. 101, item 926, as amended) informs that it is the administrator of the personal data provided by you.



Zone IT collects the personal data voluntarily provided through:

  1. E-mail correspondence - correspondence delivered this way is stored in order to facilitate communication with a user solely for the purpose and scope specified by it.
  2. Forms - the individuals interested in the company's offer can the contact form provided in the service. The data from the form will be processed solely for the purpose and scope of the content of the inquiry.

Like most websites, we store the HTTP inquiries sent to our server for technical purposes connected with administration of the server. The reviewed resources are identified by URLs and list of information stored in the web server log files is as follows:

1.the IP address of the computer from which the inquiry came,

2.the name of the customer's station - identification carried out by the http protocol, if possible,

3.the time of the coming inquiry,

4.the first line of the http request,

5.the http response code,

6.the number of bytes sent by the server,

7.the URL of the page previously visited by the user (referer link) - if access to the site was by the link,

8.information about the user's browser,

9.information about errors that occurred when executing the HTTP transaction.

The data is not associated with a specific person viewing the site.






1.Zone IT collects the personal data of the users interested in participating in the projects.

2.Zone IT collects only the personal data provided on a voluntary basis and uses it for and within the scope covered with the user's consent.

3.Each user has the right to access, amend and delete its personal data.

4.Access to the collected personal data is provided only to the persons authorised by the Zone IT to process it.

5.The personal data is not provided to the parties that remain outside the control of Zone IT excluding the contractors processing the personal data on our behalf.

6.The personal data can be made available to the entities authorised to receive it under the applicable law, including the competent judicial authorities.